01. My story

It’s great to meet you. I’m a proud American immigrant, entrepreneur, redeemed-by-Christ Muslim, husband father, and church leader. I’m here to provide inspiration and fuel for thought so you can advance your own hopes and dreams. I’m mechanically challenged. I love to multitask. No food’s too spicy for me. I have a wicked ping-pong serve, and I dream about someday consistently breaking ninety.

02. My journey

I’ve lived in our great nation for the past 33 years. Adopted and raised by two loving (albeit naïve to the ways of this world) Shia Muslim Pakistani parents, I was spoiled rotten as the only child. However, my past is checkered with challenges, including sexual abuse amongst other things. I landed in Texas back in 1986 where I completed my college education. My first job was at a McDonald’s, but having no life-skills to speak of, I quickly succumbed to a decadent college life-style, which eventually sent me to the hospital with a slashed wrist.

03. My redemption

Thankfully, my Creator had plans beyond my pain, which came in the form of a girl (I know—a predictable plot, right?). Through her, I discovered Christ. It was as though He put me in a headlock of love and grace until my life was utterly transformed. There was just this one problem . . . I was born into a Muslim community that I loved! Going back home to share my discoveries about a relationship with Christ was the singularly hardest experience of my life. Upon my return, I experienced economically what I had already experienced spiritually—undeserved redemption. I underwent an improbable rise from working at McDonald’s to starting my own business, to joining the global firm of Ernst & Young (EY) and becoming a partner there in eight short years.

It seems I am determined not to learn anything the easy way. Can you relate? Failure has been a great teacher. But I want to inspire you to do as I say and not as I did.

I have been asked, "What does the expression, 'American Dream' mean?" I answer this question in my book.

The American Dream isn't about what you can ultimately achieve in terms of financial success. It's about your visions and aspirations being within your grasp if you are willing to strive for them. That is all a person can hope for, to be able to pursue happiness. Achievement is never promised in the Bill of Rights." --Ali Master


Why the five colored dots?

God (Jesus) is the architect and source of all freedom.
Diversity & Inclusion
Our American freedoms are unique and could not exist apart from our Judeo-Christian values.
American Exceptionalism
Our freedoms are worth fighting and dying for – freedom is not actually free and must be treasured.
The Immigrant Experience
If we are going to live free (spiritually, financially, individually), we will face adversity.
Thriving requires perseverance, but we were not meant to suffer alone. There is hope!

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

John 16:33 NIV


"Walk in freedom, thrive in life"

This is my desire for each of us.

I’ve lived in our great nation for the past 33 years. Adopted and raised by two loving Shia Muslim Pakistani parents, sexually abused, and spoiled rotten as the only child, my past is checkered with challenges.

Let’s cultivate and grow these areas together.

As a debut author, I’ve quickly learned that this life experience is merely my “golden door” to the next chapter in my journey.

Would you join me in walking in freedom in order to thrive in life?
Ali Master portrait


Ali's perspective on the American Dream is unique.

He has personally experienced the freedoms he touts in this book, Beyond the Golden Door: Seeing the American Dream Through an Immigrant’s Eyes. Because he is a former Muslim, privileges, such as the freedom of religion, came at a great personal risk.

 Ali is a successful managing partner with the firm of Ernst & Young (EY) and has built and led multiple large businesses. He is a licensed CPA and holds an undergraduate degree in accounting. He is also a graduate of leadership programs from both Kellogg School of Management and Harvard University. Ali has served as a member of EY’s Diversity & Inclusiveness Council and is a frequent speaker on a range of topics from business, to inclusion, to leadership, to Islam. His bi-cultural background uniquely qualifies him to contrast American freedoms and values to those found in Muslim countries. He lives in Texas with his wife and four children and travels frequently across the U.S. and internationally.


The compelling, sometimes tense, and often humorous story of how a Pakistani Muslim finds freedom, love, and a new faith in America.

Experience the engaging true story of Ali Master, a Pakistani Muslim who immigrates to the United States to start college and discovers five transformational freedoms along the way.


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